Saturday, February 7, 2009

What is Going On With Our Weather!!!!


North Qld- Floods. (Due to a Cyclone then fizzles out and formed into a low and came back again)

Victoria:- Fires and high temperatures. (35 lives lost so far)

Adelaide:- Heatwave, temperatures about 40 for a week.
Highest temperature recorded last week in a long time.

We have been very lucky here in Brisbane, we had horrible humid weather the past month but how can we complain with what other states have been though. BUT what else has this summer got in stall for us. We are pretty lucky up here, the grass was going brown but thankfully after a bit of rain its turned green. But tomorrow its suppose to be 34 degree's. :0

Lets just hope that this is the end to our terrible summer for this yr.

Friday, February 6, 2009

This Year is Flying By So Fast!!!!

I can't believe we are in February already. :0 Its my birthday on the 24th of Feb. The big 36 coming up. OMG I am getting closer to 40. Well not as bad as Chris, he will be 42 this year.

Skye had a good week at school, apart from being a bit clingy when we drop her off. Hopefully she will get over that soon. I have to buy her another school dress as she hates wearing the shorts and shorts. Not cheap either $42.00. She has her first excursion coming up in a few week. I would had loved to go with her but having Willow with me it won't happen. They don't allow sisters/brothers to come along. I can see why. I will try and make it to the next one.

I am good, had shocking heartburn yesterday from eating chocolate cake but a lot better today. Chris is going to buy me some fruit today, that never gives me heartburn. Well creeping up to 31 weeks now. I can't believe how close I am getting to 40 weeks. I have a midwife appoinment on Wednesday. :) I have made a start on my hospital bag, trouble is I don't know what clothes to pack for bub. I think a couple of pink stuff and blue stuff. The other jumpsuits are going to have to be either white or yellow since I am not going to have enough room in my bag. LOL. Still have to get nappies and wipes yet but that's going to have to wait for a few weeks as money is a bit short this week.

Well that's about it for now, off to visit SIL tomorrow in Brisbane. It will be nice to get the girls out. I have to start looking for a playgroup as I am not sure the one we were going to is still going to be up and running today. Just looking for a small playgroup so Willow can have a few other little children to play with.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009