Friday, April 17, 2009

Stubborn Bub!!!

40 Weeks & 2 Days and Still Waiting!!!!!

Where is our little bub???? He/She is deciding to follow the tradition just like the girls being late. LOL. Everyday goes by and I wake up thinking is today the day. Oh well I suppose bub is comfortable in there. Tuesday isn't that far away until I find out what the eviction date will be. I can see me still being pregnant for another week yet. Willow's birthday is getting so close too (28th April) so the longer this bub stays put the closer we are going to have 2 kids for birthday's in April.

Chris is home for 2 Weeks Holidays now which is great. Really going to love having him home. :)

Best be off and start dinner and baths. Skye had her friend Taylah over and they had so much fun. Willow got to play with Taylahs sister Annalise. The are both similar in age. Also they have another baby sister who is 7 Weeks old. She is getting so big fast.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Midwife Update

Went to the midwife today, BP was up a bit but no protein in urine so she wasn't to concerned. Bub is going good. So now its just the waiting game. Back off to midwife next Tuesday to book in a induction date if bub is stubbon and still hasn't come. Hopefully I won't have to keep that appointment. Skye was 4 days late so hoping this bub will follow that not 10 days overdue like Willow was.

Well that it really. Off to cook dinner while girls are quiet.

2 Days off Due Date.

Still nothing, went for a huge walk today in the shops to get the girls some winter clothes but nothing is happening. Well apart from me being very sore that is. LOL. Got some very cute jumpsuits from Best and Less today. Here are some pics. I got some really nice jumpers, singlets and pj's for the girls too. So they are all set now. Just have to get track-suit pants for the girls. I have never liked the pants with the zips and botton tops. Skye has so much trouble with those and Willow being toilet trained in the day she would get so fraustrated undoing those.

Its finally stopped raining, we had nearly 90mm of rain yesterday and last night. :0 We haven't had so much rain for ages.

Just thought I would update on bub, off to midwife tomorrow so will know a bit more then. Off to put my feet up as they are so big tonight.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

No Movement on Baby Front

As title say still nothing. LOL. This baby seems to be to comfy to want to come out.

Its a rainy old day today, so girls are playing inside.

Not much else to say, Chris is back off to work tomorrow so I am going to miss him. I am going to have to make sure I keep the girls busy. Hoping to go to neighbours place tomorrow, hospital on Wednesday for midwife appointment, Thursday day home and Friday to a Play-Centre. Saturday to a friend house and then Sunday day at home. So there is plan. LOL. But that could change depending on if this bub is going to make a appearance. :)

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Baby Week!!!!!

Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

Finally Week And Hoping To Meet
Our 3rd Little Miracle Any Day Now!!!!

Never thought I would see my pregnancy ticker reach this stage. Just waiting now and hoping that any day our 3rd little mystery person will make his/her appearances very soon. We are looking forward to seeing weather this bub is a boy or a girl. We are expecting it to be a girl and will be in complete shock if a boy comes out. :0 Either way we don't care, all we want is to hold this baby safely in our arms. Starting to think about the labour part now and not looking forward to the pain but it will all be worth it in the end. Off to the midwife on Wednesday. Hoping I won't need the appointment. Have both girls home next week as Skye is on Easter holidays so its going to be hard enough there. Thankfully the appointment is at 1.30pm so hoping its going to be quiet and I go in straight away.

Everything else is good, Skye is doing very well at school. Its Easter tomorrow and the girls are looking forward to the Easter Bilby leaving some eggs for them tomorrow. Skye left some apple out for the Bilby tonight. LOL. Very cute.

Well better get to bed, wonder if tomorrow is baby day, I wake up thinking that every morning. Hoping I am not that overdue as I really don't want to be induced this time around.

Before I go, just a few pics of the girls at a Pet Fair a few weeks ago.

The Girls