Tuesday, August 12, 2008

All is Good with Bub!!!

Post Deleted. Not even a concern any-more. Bub is on his/her way in around 12 weeks time. :)

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

OMG "Surprise Bub" Due:- 14th April 2009.

I am in total shock as I got a BFP yesterday. Here it the pic to prove it. Pics are blurry but you can still see the line. The line looks darker then on pics, plus I tested at 11am in the morning.

I never thought I would be doing this again. Me and Chris were both convinced that we were just going to have the girls which we were very happy about BUT someone else had plans. LOL. I am still not celebrating much as I want to reach it to safe 12 week mark first. Chris keeps telling me that everything is going to be fine. Plus I am 35 now so a bit more risk now but I suppose I am not in the higher risk age group of 37-40 am I. LOL.

Ok might leave my post now, the housework has slipped so much the past few days and I got to get back on top of it. No rest for me in that department. lol.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Progress on Longstitch

Just very quickly as my mum is over today and not suppose to see these pics on the Longstitch as its for her for xmas. Its a pretty hard longsitch with lots of details so that is why its taking me so much longer.


Longstitch- Close-Up

I have also included a pic of Willow sitting at the big table instead of her high-chair. She kept climbing out of her high-chair and thought we better start sitting her a the BIG table. I haven't done anymore sewing, I will continue with that on Wednesday when Skye is at daycare.

Willow Sitting At the Big Table for Dinner

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Computer up and Running.

Well I have finally started on Skye's dress. I didn't get much done because the girls wouldn't leave me along. I think the days when Skye goes to daycare are going to be better sewing days.

We finally got the new computer up and running. Its all different because we have a newer version on windows but I am getting used to it pretty quick.

Time to put Willow to bed. Tonight was the first night she sat at the big table. We decided to get rid of her high chair for good as she doesn't use it that much lately. I have a pic and will upload to here in next few days.

Very short post today as its getting late. Will post more next time.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

I finally got some material for my first real sewing project. I am going to be making the dress (blue one in pic on pattern). I only got cheaper material as I just want too see how it turns out. If everything goes good then I will get much prettier material for Skye, she is such as "Dress" girl. Well just thought I would share the material I picked out, I was there for ages and couldn't make up my mind. Then Willow started to get cranky so just made a quick choose. LOL.

Still no new computer, Chris will be fixing it up on the weekend, so just making do with this slower one we have atm. Chris has all the photo's of the girls off onto a memory thing so I am happy about that if the computer just decided to stop working all together. Losing all those would be really bad as I don't have those pics anywhere else.

Fabric For a Dress For Skye.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Internet Drama's

I haven't posted for the last few days as we are in the middle of transfering everything to another tower for the computer. The one we have on atm is starting to lock up, nearly all the memory is used up. We have been having a few troubles getting the new tower connected to the internet so had to put the old tower back on for today just in case we get some orders for our business.

Skye is at daycare today and half the day has already gone. As soon as I know it will be time to pick her up. I planned to go to spotlight today for some material but will see how I go. I also gotta to prepare a cottage pie for dinner this arvo.

Not much else is happening, been busy cleaning, I cleaned all the windows yesterday and they look all sparkling clean today. :) There was so many finger prints on the back door it wasn't funny. LOL.

Better get going, got a lot of stuff to do. Until next time until we get this internet connection sorted out which will hopefully not be long.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Pics of the Girls

Here are a few pics of the girls when we went to the fete a week ago. They are getting big so fast. No much happening today, the house looked like bomb hit it this morning, much better now since I gave it a clean, I have been busy putting new products on our website. We are getting a few more customers now which is great. :)

I got the patterns I won off Ebay last week, here is a pic of them.

I still haven't decided what I am going to make first for Skye. I really haven't had a good look at the pattern yet.

Girls need lunch so better go, the sun is finally shining outside today, it has rained again this week, hopefully next week we can have a week of no rain. Getting a bit sick of it now.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Rainy Day Again

Well its raining here again, thankfully got all the washing down before hand. We went to the cinema yesterday and saw Kung Fu Panda. Skye loved it, Willow was good too, she even had a 45min sleep in there. :) She has a cold atm so I am pretty sure she was just feeling crappy yesterday anyway. Skye is good, she is at daycare today. We got her school interview coming up very soon. OMG this yr is going so fast.

We got a few more orders for our business, Chris showed me how to put products on the website so I try and do half an hour a day of putting new things on to help Chris out.

Not much else is happening. I am still waiting for a pattern that I won on Ebay, I hope it arrives today, then mite pop down to spotlight tomorrow to get some material.

Better go and get some work down. I will post some pics of the girls soon, just recharging the camera battery now.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Gasto :(

I started to feel a bit yuck on Monday arvo, then around 6pm it hit me, gastro. I haven't been that sick since I was a kid. No one else has had it so I don't know where I got it from. Thankfully today I feel nearly normal again. :)

Willow has been really running me down atm, she keeps throwing these major tantrums. She just wants her own way all the time, typical toddler I know. Everything Skye plays with she wants and when I say she can't have, onto the ground she throws herself. Gotta love this age don't you.

Here are a few pics of the Long-stitch I have started.

I finally started it.

What long-stitch looks like when finished.

Here are a couple of other pics.

"Cuddles" our pet budgie, he is getting so cheeky, the girls love him.

Willow keeping warm after her bath.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Hetic Weekend.

Just a quick post today as we have been to a party today (Boy from playgroup) and had SIL 2 kids to look after too. So its been a pretty busy weekend. I know I said I wasn't going to bid on any other sewing patterns in Ebay but I just couldn't help myself. I have bidded on a summer dress pattern for Skye and also a book with some girls clothes to sew which includes patterns. I have seen quite a few free patterns on the net but I just don't know how to transfer the pattern onto a larger sheet of paper that would be the right size. So leaving that alone for the time being and just sticking to patterns ready to go. LOL.

I did start my new longstitch for my mum on the weekend. Its pretty detailed too so its going to take me awhile I think. Much harder then the mouse one I did. So it should look very impressive when finished. :) Chris is going to build a frame for me next weekend for the other one I have finished. I also have 2 cross-stitches I am going to do for Chris's Dad and very good elderly couple I have know for years for Christmas presents. So certainly got enough to do to keep me busy.

Ok better get going, Got my mum coming over tomorrow to visit the girls, going to make some yummy pumpkin scones for afternoon tea tomorrow. I have a pumpkin that needs using up and we aren't too fond of pumpkin soup so scones it is!!!!! :)

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Silly me forgot to take a pic of the lamb I finished before I sent it off. Anyway here is a pic of the lamb just before I sewed the ears on. Excuse the pins and the mess behind the pic. ;)

I haven't decided what I will sew next but think about it in the next few days. I have another Longstitch ready to do, haven't had time to start it.

Our online business is starting to pick-up so much now, this could really work for us and enable us to buy a house. :Yayyyyyy: Trying to stay positive, Chris just got a pay-rise so hoping this is the beginning of a huge break from us. We have had a pretty bad last couple of yrs with money, just basically not having much. Just have to hope, its getting to a point where you have to look after yourself now, losing hope when it comes to goverment lately. Look at those poor pensioners. Things are going so much down-hill lately in Australia, I was just thinking the other night how things have changed so much since the 80's. I worry for my girls too what the future holds for them and us of course when we get old. As Chris said there won't be any pension then, so we gotta start thinking about making sure we have money then to get us by. Anyway enough about that. LOL.

Washing to hang out.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Longstitch Finished. :)

Well here it is, finally finished at long last. Just gotta get Chris to make a frame now for it then its going in Skye's room.

I am quite proud of myself as its the first one I have done. Already got the other Longstitch I have for my mums xmas pressie all ready to go. :) Now to start on my Softie today.

Friday, June 27, 2008

What a week we had.

We had a very interesting week, Chris had to go to hospital on Tuesday because there was something wrong with his lung. The dr's still aren't sure what it was but its getting better now. Chris had been home for a week. He is back off to work on Monday in his new Group Leader job. He will be doing Schoolies after the holidays which will be perfect for him. :) Also a payrise too which will more then likely mean we lose part parenting payment but I am ok with that. No more relying on Centrelink.

I have nearly finished the Long-Stitch I am working on. I will put a pic in here of it next week. I am quite proud of myself how good it has come out. Next thing on my things to do is getting this lambkin finished and then I mite start on another Long-Stitch for my mum for xmas. Talking of xmas I am off to the Kmart Toy Sale next Thursday. I will only have Willow so hoping she is going to behave herself. I know exactly what I want to get the girls so hopeful we will be back by lunch-time.

Time to get going, got some stuff to do.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Busy Busy Busy!!

Been busy as usual. Chris has taken the girls to a playcentre for the morning to give me a break and its so nice. Willow has a cold at the moment so a bit miserable today. :( She has gone back to having her day sleep as she still needs it otherwise she is a mess around 5pm. Skye is good. Chris just turned 41 2 days ago. We had a lovely Bbq last week to celebrate it.

My long-stitch is nearly finished. I am going to do some more on it this arvo. Its look so good. Chris is going to make me a frame for it. This is my next project:-


I got some material from spotlight yesterday. So I am hoping it turns out ok as I haven't had that much experience in sewing. But gotta start somewhere don't you. I hope to make the girls some cotton tops for summer as they are much cooler. Its going to work out cheaper too making there clothes and most of the clothes for Skye are so expensive when she moves up to the young girls sizes.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

I have YET another cold. :(

As the title reads I have another cold. This has to be about the 4th cold already this yr. Chris and Skye keeps bring them home from Daycare. Thankfully the horrible Gastro hasn't made it to this house just yet.

I have been busy today making a card for Chris's dads partner Clare who is very sick. She has Parkinson Disease and to top it off keeps having Strokes. So she is in a pretty bad way. She is losing her memory quite bad now which is so sad. I have only met her once when she visited up here in Qld and she was a very nice lady. Chris's dad thinks the world of her. Anyway here is a pic of the card I made. I cheated and brought a get well card from the shops but everything inside is done by me. Its called a tea-bag card. :)

Tea Bag Card

I ran out of glue which I was really annoyed about. Hence why the paper didn't sit down on the card. Wood glue is just the wrong glue to use but I had nothing else at home. Oh well Clare will think the world of it.

I have done a bit more on the Long-Stitch but I really have to get stuck into now so I get the other Long-Stitch done for my mum. Always busy busy atm. Me and Chris are just so exhausted by the end of the nite. The girls are well. Willow has finally got a tooth and is happily playing on her own atm. Skye is at daycare. They have a incubator in her prep room atm and the chicks have been hatching and the children can see how they come out of the egg. The children love it. The people that supply the whole chick kit as you could call it is called "Henny Penny Hatching" They come back and pick the whole lot up in 12 days and the chicks are re-homed to farmers. The chicks are not caged and free to walk around on these farms which is great to hear.

I also got some more stuff for our 2 Fighting fish. They are doing so well and I haven't killed them yet. lol. We have had them for a month now and thought they were worth a up-grade in their little tanks. Here are a pic of them. I am quite impressed how good they look. I have actually got a bit attached to them. lol. Cuddles are budgie is doing great. I will take a pic soon. He is looking a bit worse for wear atm because he is getting all his adult feathers and losing his baby look. He is a chatty little thing too, loves every-one.

Our 2 Fighting Fish New Tank Look

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Finally Back.

Well finally back to write another post. I have had to deal with my first encounter with head lice. Skye had heaps of them in her hair and I think finally today we have battled them so she is nit free. Horrible things they are. :(

We are all good. Willow is finally getting another tooth at long last. She still hasn't got all her teeth yet. She is missing 2 up the top and 1 at the bottom no, no sign of any molars yet. She is a late bloomer for teeth just like her sister.

Off shopping again tomorrow with the girls and mum. Boy this yr is flying. Skye and Willow are going Ellen 5th Birthday party next Sunday ( A girl that Skye is friends with that lives at the bottom of our street). Then after that it will be Chris's birthday (41 this yr). Chris doesn't want anything special like a party so we agreed on a birthday dinner because Skye wants to do something for him.

Our business is doing good. Tomorrow we are offering some new educational cards and games to our website that people can buy. We are hoping that its going to be popular thing that people will buy. Only trouble is that we have to order $250 worth of stuff to order anything. Hoping no-one just orders a $5 thing. lol. We came up on the lotto last nite, 2 5th devisions at $34 each so that will help out so much. We also got a $29 cheque in the mail last week from lotto. :) Must had been our lucky week.

Ok better get going, I want to do a bit more work to my longstitch and get it finished soon so I can start on the one for my mum for xmas.

Until next time.
Tracy :)

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

A Longstitch I am Working On.

Just thought I would share a couple of pics of a longstitch I am doing atm for Willow. I still have a long way to go but getting there. After this one I have one of a cottage to do for my mum for Christmas. Yeah I know early but with not much time looking after the girls I am going to need all that time. lol.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Mothers Day

My Family on Mothers Day at the Park

I had a terrific mothers day. The girls brought me some slippers and gave me some home-made cards. Skye put so much work into hers. Then we went to the park and had a picnic and the girls fed the ducks. It was a beautiful sunny day. Here are some pics of the day of the girls.

Willow Eating Cake

Skye and Willow

Skye is at daycare today and Willow is still having her 2hr afternoon sleeps which is so nice. I was going to put Willow into daycare 1 day a week next year , but decided not to as she is our last bub. She is no trouble at home and I really enjoy having her home with me. Skye is looking forward to prep next yr so much. :)

Friday, May 9, 2008

About Me

Hi, I'm Tracy and I am 35. My Dh Chris is 41 soon and we have 2 Beautiful Daughters (Skye Samantha) who is 4 and (Willow Paige) who has just turned 2.

My last 5yrs have been very busy with the girls so haven't really done that much apart from being a mum which I am loving. I enjoy doing crafts and I am doing a long-stitch atm but finding the time to do it hard atm with the girls being so demanding. Skye is off to prep next yr so things will start to slow down for me then and then hopefully I can do some stuff for me.

Chris works in Childcare and loves it. We also have just started a home internet business which will hopefully make us another money to buy a house of our own in the future. Atm we sell party needs, child-safety products and children wall decorations. We are just about to put child educational products like wall posters, flashcards etc. And then when we finish putting all that stuff on the website to sell, we will add books and hopefully craft after that. So its pretty full-on atm. We keep getting a few more customers each week so praying its going to be a success. We even have got a few people from over-sea's asking if we could send to them. Chris had no intention of selling to people overseas, but as I said if we did that, then we would have a lot more sales. Anyway, Chris is going to think about it. Here is the website address of our business.


Well that's really it about me and my family. Other members of our family are our Cat (Bella), Dog (Jedda), 2 Siamise fighting fish and 2 guinea pigs. A houseful. I would love one day to have some land for the girls to grow up on. I grew up on a farm and loved it. I also used to keep birds and hopefully one day I can do that again. Oh yeah forgot to say I love photography. I haven't been into it much lately as I am so busy. But plan to get back into it. I even have a new lens I have hardly use.