Friday, May 9, 2008

About Me

Hi, I'm Tracy and I am 35. My Dh Chris is 41 soon and we have 2 Beautiful Daughters (Skye Samantha) who is 4 and (Willow Paige) who has just turned 2.

My last 5yrs have been very busy with the girls so haven't really done that much apart from being a mum which I am loving. I enjoy doing crafts and I am doing a long-stitch atm but finding the time to do it hard atm with the girls being so demanding. Skye is off to prep next yr so things will start to slow down for me then and then hopefully I can do some stuff for me.

Chris works in Childcare and loves it. We also have just started a home internet business which will hopefully make us another money to buy a house of our own in the future. Atm we sell party needs, child-safety products and children wall decorations. We are just about to put child educational products like wall posters, flashcards etc. And then when we finish putting all that stuff on the website to sell, we will add books and hopefully craft after that. So its pretty full-on atm. We keep getting a few more customers each week so praying its going to be a success. We even have got a few people from over-sea's asking if we could send to them. Chris had no intention of selling to people overseas, but as I said if we did that, then we would have a lot more sales. Anyway, Chris is going to think about it. Here is the website address of our business.

Well that's really it about me and my family. Other members of our family are our Cat (Bella), Dog (Jedda), 2 Siamise fighting fish and 2 guinea pigs. A houseful. I would love one day to have some land for the girls to grow up on. I grew up on a farm and loved it. I also used to keep birds and hopefully one day I can do that again. Oh yeah forgot to say I love photography. I haven't been into it much lately as I am so busy. But plan to get back into it. I even have a new lens I have hardly use.

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