We are having a night of rain and thunder and lighting tonight. Its not going to be much but at least its something. :)
Declan had 3 teaspoons of farex today which he kept down so I am so happy about that. Will keep giving him the farex for another 5 or so days then progress to something else. My little boy is growing up so fast. He is so cute, I was always worried when I was pregnant if this baby was a boy how would I bond with him and would he be harder to look after knowing nothing about boys. I just think back now and think why I was even worried about that. To me he is a beautiful baby that means so much to me and that I love so much. He hasn't had the best start in life with his broncolitis and colds but that has made me so close to him. All the sleepness nights and trips to the hospital are just fading away, as they say the positives always out weigh the negatives and its true too.
I took him to the doctor again to get his immunisations but because he still has a bit of a cold the dr advice against it and that we get it done next week. Just incase Declan had any side effects then having a cold too would had just made him feel so bad. He will be 4 and half months next week but can't do much about that. The dr said it would still be ok to have his immunisations then. :)
Well I am off to bed soon, was up at 5.30am with Declan. Having a day home tomorrow, I am not even going to worry about going to the dvd shop to get some dvd's. I want Declan to keep to his morning sleep routine. :)
Declan had 3 teaspoons of farex today which he kept down so I am so happy about that. Will keep giving him the farex for another 5 or so days then progress to something else. My little boy is growing up so fast. He is so cute, I was always worried when I was pregnant if this baby was a boy how would I bond with him and would he be harder to look after knowing nothing about boys. I just think back now and think why I was even worried about that. To me he is a beautiful baby that means so much to me and that I love so much. He hasn't had the best start in life with his broncolitis and colds but that has made me so close to him. All the sleepness nights and trips to the hospital are just fading away, as they say the positives always out weigh the negatives and its true too.
I took him to the doctor again to get his immunisations but because he still has a bit of a cold the dr advice against it and that we get it done next week. Just incase Declan had any side effects then having a cold too would had just made him feel so bad. He will be 4 and half months next week but can't do much about that. The dr said it would still be ok to have his immunisations then. :)
Well I am off to bed soon, was up at 5.30am with Declan. Having a day home tomorrow, I am not even going to worry about going to the dvd shop to get some dvd's. I want Declan to keep to his morning sleep routine. :)
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