Friday, June 27, 2008

What a week we had.

We had a very interesting week, Chris had to go to hospital on Tuesday because there was something wrong with his lung. The dr's still aren't sure what it was but its getting better now. Chris had been home for a week. He is back off to work on Monday in his new Group Leader job. He will be doing Schoolies after the holidays which will be perfect for him. :) Also a payrise too which will more then likely mean we lose part parenting payment but I am ok with that. No more relying on Centrelink.

I have nearly finished the Long-Stitch I am working on. I will put a pic in here of it next week. I am quite proud of myself how good it has come out. Next thing on my things to do is getting this lambkin finished and then I mite start on another Long-Stitch for my mum for xmas. Talking of xmas I am off to the Kmart Toy Sale next Thursday. I will only have Willow so hoping she is going to behave herself. I know exactly what I want to get the girls so hopeful we will be back by lunch-time.

Time to get going, got some stuff to do.

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