Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Internet Drama's

I haven't posted for the last few days as we are in the middle of transfering everything to another tower for the computer. The one we have on atm is starting to lock up, nearly all the memory is used up. We have been having a few troubles getting the new tower connected to the internet so had to put the old tower back on for today just in case we get some orders for our business.

Skye is at daycare today and half the day has already gone. As soon as I know it will be time to pick her up. I planned to go to spotlight today for some material but will see how I go. I also gotta to prepare a cottage pie for dinner this arvo.

Not much else is happening, been busy cleaning, I cleaned all the windows yesterday and they look all sparkling clean today. :) There was so many finger prints on the back door it wasn't funny. LOL.

Better get going, got a lot of stuff to do. Until next time until we get this internet connection sorted out which will hopefully not be long.

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